31 October, 2010

Homemade (Diet) Beef Burger

Ever think of eating big big burger but yet worried about the expansion of your waistline? To combat this, I decided to try my hand on a low fat beef burger. Was telling (or psyching) myself what can be more healthier than to have a personal home-made burger.

Beef patty is very easy to made. Not as difficult as many think it will be…and you can be innovative. Just add in whatever you like. I have added in apples before and I called it.. Apple Beef Burger —> so innovative right? I think as you cook longer, you will dare to experiment more. Never know what you can discover.

Recipe for Oven-baked beef burger (for 2 to 3 pax)

·   300gm of minced beef (get the lean type, for those who are losing weight)
·   Half of medium yellow onion. Finely chopped. 
·   1 tsp of Dijon mustard
·   1 tbsp of Worcester sauce
·   1 egg
·   5 tbsp of bread crumb. Can buy those ready made ones.
·   Salt and ground black pepper to taste
·   2 or 3 Burger Buns (Slice into half and toast it. Spread some butter—> can consider to do without butter too, so you can save some calories —-> keep your diet in mind) 

Preheat the oven to 230°C. Mix all the ingredient together then mix together. Do not mix one by one… you are not suppose to overmix. Breadcrumb is used to bind all the mixture together.
Divide the mixture to 2 or 3 portions depending on how big you want the patties to be. (From my picture, you can tell that I have made it into 2 instead..hahaha.. this is greed)
And start baking in oven for 15 to 20 minutes.
Of course if you want more than a beef patty in a bun. You can cut up some tomatoes, lettuce or/and fry some mushroom with garlic. For the greedy ones, how about a sunny-side up?
Then again, if you are on diet, you should know what to avoid

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